Hey there, I’m Annie.

It is a hard process to try to introduce yourself away from your job, what did you study, where do you live, where are you from or your love life but I would like to share some details about me.​

I get easily excited about things around me, I love to notice the beauties of the world around us and take attentive note to the things I’m constantly grateful for. I’m also aware of my privileges and constantly looking for the best possible way to help and give back. I’m lucky enough to have a great support system, a loving family, and a great player #2.

One of my biggest motivations in life is to help and give back, that’s why I’m committed to helping as much as possible, this include make some hard decisions such as the ones I discuss here. This path of looking for ways to help have been my ultimate “life guide” and the experience have been incredibly rewarding and emotionally challenging.

I try to be present and conscious about my surroundings, all this ended up with more questions than I could answer, hopefully, this blog can help with some answers and generate even more questions

If any of these posts make you wonder about the topics, have questions or just want to extra resources, I would love to hear from you

Thank You for reading!

Annie Profile Picture